Hi, I'm Kevin.
I wish I could take credit for such a fun word, but the hybrid 'ornitheology' was actually penned by the great theologian and birder John Stott in his book The Birds, Our Teachers. Like all creation, the birds have something to say about truth, beauty, and a crazy-creative God. I'm convinced that, to remain sane and grounded on this planet, every one of us should make some sort of attentive effort towards some aspect of God's creation. You pick: astronomy, gardening, fungus, whatever. I chose birds.
I picked up an interest in birdwatching while in college, thanks to an invested biology professor, a study trip to Costa Rica, and a very woodsy summer camp gig in Vermont. But just when I expected my life was heading in some sort of environmental-science career path, God surprised me with a redirection into full-time pastoral ministry. Since then I've served churches in Georgia and Florida before landing here in North Carolina in 2008.
I write about lots of things, not just about birds. In fact, honestly I mostly write about other things. Sunday sermons typically do not require a bird-of-the-week reference. Some of the other things I write and say will end up on this site too, just to keep the posts from being pigeon-holed to one theme.
That's a little bird humor for ya.
Thanks for visiting the site. Share it with other ornitheologists!
Grace n' Peace,
I'm an ornitheologist.